Feel the fear and do it anyway®

Feel the fear and do it anyway®

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Whichever happy chemicals you decide you need more of, try simple tips for boosting them.......

  1. OXYTOCIN - is the 'bonding' chemical.  If your trust has been betrayed, you'll hold back.  Building the feelings of belonging is generated by 'oxytocin'
  • Being trustworthy - It's a two street if others feel they can trust you, you are more likely to trust them
  • Time - trust takes time to build, so you could get a pet that will be loyal, join a group or workshop where you feel you will not be judged, or play a sport where you can share the good and bad as a team
  • Touch - take time to treat yourself to a massage or apply body lotion or face cream can also make a difference to feelings of wellbeing.  As touch stimulates oxytocin, be more "cuddly" with your partner, friends and family too.
  • Be aware - take note of your "trust-domoter" with strangers rather than staying with who you know, in other words expand your comfort zone

  • Endorphins is natures's pain relief - it's stimulated by pain.  It evolved for survival;  we need it switch on and off so we don't end up walking on a broken leg.  
  • Laugh - a good laugh will release endorphins and remove fear.
  • Cry -  Holding back tears can build up tension - having a good cry is a physical relief from tension - to let go
  • Exercise - move around, dance, go gardening, housework, gym or a brisk walk while get those endorphins going
  • Stretch - It's a great way to boost circulation.  Try a yoga class.

Dopamine helps us release the energy we need to get the rewards we want.  In survival terms this usually means food and water, but we can benefit from it is other ways
  • Baby steps - break tasks or goals down into small manageable chunks it will feel more do-able then, your brain will reward with dopamine each time, helping you achieve your goal
  • Reward yourself - Acknowledge your achievements and give yourself little rewards along the way to keep the momentum 

Seratonin is realised when we it sees its bigger or stronger than another; having the advantage creates a feeling of safety.  Social recognition can be fleeting and unpredictable, but you can find good routes to self repsect

  • Enjoy where you are -  It is not always best to be in the driving seat, so know when to be happy and when to be the passenger.  Status goes up and down
  • Notice your influence - you can see when people have taken your lead.  Don't expect credit, just take the time to appreciate your good efforts on others.
  • Surrender control - Control can lead to frustration. Choose one "control" habit you have and try to let it go.  So no checking the weather or looking at the clock
  • Take pride - Make up your mind to say "look what I have done" without being too ties up with the reaction - accept that it may not always be the one you want.