Feel the fear and do it anyway®

Feel the fear and do it anyway®

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Fresh start with time management for 2013

Are you feeling motivated for 2013?  
Have you thought about the changes you want to make for 2013? 
Are you wanting to feel more energised and have more time in 2013?

The most common thing my clients say to me is "I don't have enough time....." and I feel exhausted......then I ask, why?

"Oh it's my boss, or the weather, or the kids, or my partner and most of all I just have to much work to do"  Can you relate?

Well I am sorry to break the news but it is all up to you to manage your time and energy.

Are you late to meetings, classes, appointments, dates or work?
Are you typically way behind in your studying, work or other important areas of your life?
Do you often not meet important deadline?
Do you perpetually feel overwhelmed by how much you have to do and how soon you have to do it?
Is your social life suffering?
Do you always get too little sleep, and too much illness?
Do you do just one thing until it's done, while you get behind in everything else?
Do you flit from one task to another exact when you're suppose to, never really committing to anything or getting anything done?

Planning is the key, yes you have to set TIME aside to PLAN to manage your time.

Estimate how long it will take you to......

  • go to a meeting and return
  • make a call
  • go to a class
  1. Now: write down your estimate 
  2. Time it, and see
  3. Avoid over-commitment - to work, your career and personal life by accepting too many irresponsibles, helping too many people
  4. Do one thing at the time - Don't (try to) do more than one thing at once..driving and....."When standing, stand!
Your most valuable Time Management tools:

  1. Phone? Email? - Use emails or calls rather than meetings
  2. Phone, email can backfire: slave to the Blackberry
  3. Computer software: Outlook(full version, iCal, Google, use email rather than calls

Tony Schwartz - performance expert

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