The first 5 ways to help you achieve your dreams
What ever it is you want to do it could be starting that business, loosing or gaining weight, increasing you income, improving your relationships, furthering your studies, become a better parent.
My intention is to try and record all the “behind the scenes” or steps of my daily activities of how I started my business. I think sometimes the most challenging part for people who have a dream, idea or desire to start their own business sometimes feel so overwhelmed by the idea. They allow their logical mind to talk them out of it, sound familiar? It sounds something like this.
· What do I know about running a business?
· Who is going to listen to my story or want to buy my product or services?
· Where do I start?
· How much do I charge?
· Where will I find the time and so on........
We all have different reasons and circumstances. I know some people have a job and would like to run their own businesses and just get to the point of “enough is enough” and get to the point where they are just not enjoying work anymore, or they get frustrated and feel fed up with the struggle of a job.
What helped me was I started recording daily events and experiences and how I was feeling and how I was thinking in order to make to the changes I so wanted and needed to do. These changes often initially appear as a dream “how nice it would if only.....” and you think about an idea, that is where the transformation of it all starts. The secret is you can choose the time attached to this “idea” In other words when you are to start and how long it is going to take you.
You need to remember it is about the journey and not the destination!
Firstly I would like to say I have read many books and I can honestly say most of them ALL say the same thing. For example anyone who has read any of these books will know:
1. The Secret ~ Rhonda Bryne
2. The power of intention ~ Wayne Dyer
3. Deepak Chopra ~
4. Susan Jeffers ~ Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
5. Louise Hay ~ Your Can Heal Your Life
6. Cosmic Ordering
7. The Purpose of Life ~ Richard Jacobs
Thoughts become the secret is you have two kinds of thoughts negative ones and positive ones. Out of the 60,000 thoughts we think a day how many of yours are negative and how many of positive?
Did you know we actually use our own energy when we think? Did you know that when you think negative thoughts it drains your energy and when you think positive thoughts it energises you? Think about something right now that you are looking forward to like the weekend, can you see how it affects the way you feel and your feelings are like a
fuel gauge!
So imagine how many positive thoughts you have to think firstly to balance out the negative ones and to have a full tank? The more you can do that the most energy you will have to feel excited about what you are doing. The reason I am making a point of this is because so many times I have heard people say, but I do not have the energy when I get home after work to work on my business!
Just for a moment imagine your body as a car. Secondly think about:
1. What type of fuel or energy are you putting in your car?
2. What I mean by this is what are you eating and drinking?
3. How do you think these effects our journeys?
4. Super leaded, leaded, unleaded, diesel, bio oil, cooking oil or used cooking oil?
5. Which one are you using?
6. How is that serving you?
Have you ever experienced a car breaking down or strange noises when you try to start the car, it just is not performing the way it should? I think you get the idea, so when last have you had a service?
So many of us are rushing around trying to make sure we keep up with rat race and let’s face it, the world we live in is extremely demanding of us, our time and energy, and unless we manage ourselves better we are going to continue feeling, tired, stressed, frustrated, angry, bored and so on. I am not saying we all feel like this all of the time but those of us with demanding jobs and families. Where does that leave time for US?
2) So become AWARE of how you are feeling.
Feeling are our messengers, they tell us when we are off course.
Take a look at the diagram below and imagine that all four areas add up to 100% of your energy. Remember you have a continual supply. What’s relevant is that the spiritual is the only source capable of generating energy but it’s managed by our emotional lives. (Please note when I talk about the spiritual I’m not necessarily referring to religion but more to an individual perception about what gives meaning to your life.) We know too our emotions manage this force because when we feel good we’re energetic.

However, the physical and mental components do not generate power, they consume it. If you recall the last time you studied for an exam, you’ll remember how too much mental stimulation is tiring. Even the fittest person is eventually exhausted by continuous physical exertion. So when it comes to the mind and body, the best we can do is to ensure we’re not wasting energy. If we use our intellect for personal growth and maintain good healthy habits we can conserve it. Both keep us feeling good and this sense of happiness tops up our fuel tank with powerful spiritual energy.
To understand the workings of your own energy, think about an average day and calculate how your power is distributed. Write these percentages down. If, for example you’re using a lot of energy to manage a challenging career, give yourself a high percentage – let’s say 70% - in the mental quadrant. Then distribute the remaining 30% according to how you use your energy in the other areas. Sticking with this example, if the majority of your energy is already dedicated to one area, how are you going to manage the demands of your physical, emotional and spiritual life?
After a mentally exhausting day you get home and your partner and children want some of you time and energy. You however want to perhaps do one of the following as an example:
· go to the gym
· work on your business
· meet up with friends
· something for YOU
Already LOW on energy, you become ratty and short-tempered.
Sound familiar? This consumes more energy but you also start losing energy over the emotional grapple between you OWN wants versus your family’s needs. Eventually you give up on the gym, or whatever else it was that you wanted to do, and slump into exhaustion. Now operating on a net energy loss, what’s left to meet your OTHER needs?
I bet not even enough to console yourself and less still to ponder the mysteries of life.
However I found if you are passionate about something and you manage your energy positively you can balance things out and feel happier. Ever hear that saying cannot see the wood through the trees? Now some of you might be feeling that, stuck, or a
a habitual routine which is challenging to break or change. So going back to the thoughts we think. If you are aware that you want and need to make changes be kind to yourself. Praise yourself for firstly be aware that a change needs to happen. A few examples of lifestyle change choices:
1. Give up smoking
2. Take up a new hobby
3. Start a business
4. Loose weigh
5. Go travelling
6. Move home
7. Start dating
8. Leave a relationship
The list is endless.................
Consider all the options you have. Think about what kind of support you need. Now this one is rather tough, as we may think, hey I can do this on my own, and there might be some people that can. It is also a lot more fun to share and have support. So how do find does one find support?
Let’s go back to the car for a moment.
1. How many people do you know that own a car?
2. How many of those have service plans or take their cars for a regular service?
3. How many people have break down cover and insurance?
4. As part of the maintenance things like MOT and TAX however those are
So if you were to go off and buy a car you would take these things into consideration in order to get best performance and longevity out of the car. Well it is a bit like that when we think about making changes. The key is to start THINKING is a positive way about the changes. Focus on adding more on so on.
1. Each little step that is a positive action towards your intention
2. Think about what you would say to a best friend
3. Make sure you have people and support around you that will build you up and not break you down
4. Keep a record of your progress
5. Reflect
So these are questions I would ask myself:
1. So what 3 small steps have I taken today towards.........
2. My best friend would say well done, you are 3 steps closer to .....
3. I have a big white board and I write down at the beginning of each day what my intention is and again reflect on it, you could do this on your mobile phone with an alarm set to the end of day, in your diary whatever works for you.
The reason I am sharing this with you is when I started out I have done so much but if I did not take time to evaluate what I was doing and what I had accomplished would have been very easy for me to say to myself “oh but it feels like I am not getting anywhere” as much of what I was doing was frustrating. It is so easy to let those ANT’S(automotive negative responses) crawl in and take over and drain your energy.
Do you think you best friend would say things to you like:
· You stupid you cannot do this
· I will never understand
· I cannot see the results so why bother carrying on
· It is not good enough and so on
Following my two gap years travelling I knew I wanted to start my own business so I know how tough it can be. People also have this illusion that you need allot of money! I will come back to that as that is another matter all on its own.
I believe it is more about time management.
What prevents such a loss of energy is the ability to manage you energy from an emotional and spiritual perspective. What’s important for now is that although these two areas generate and manages your energy, you can experience losses in all four areas. This happens when you’re not in control of your life. So energy losses are due to the CHOICES you make.
Additions (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs) Boredom/stagnation
Ill health/physical pain Complaining
Insufficient sleep Guilt
Lack of exercise Negative Thinking
Lace of relaxation Stress
Poor eating habits Worry
Controlling other people Lack of discipline
Dependency (allowing others to control you) Lack of faith
Emotional outbursts Lack of trust
Fear No meaning or purpose to life
Fights, arguments Poor quality time
Inability to manage you own emotions
Not getting your own way
Energy losses reduce the 100% capacity. So you may want to go back to your percentages and correct them to better reflect these choices that drain your life-force. Are you possibly beginning to get a grip on why you feel so drained, stressed and down?
I had a friend that would from the minute her eyes opened the negative thoughts started,” oh do I have to go to work”,” the weather is terrible”,” I can never find anything to wear”,” I look so fat today”,” I wish my hair was straight”. Then came the coffee with loads of sugar to give her that boost, followed by some codeine to cute the hangover from the night before. Then due to lack of motivation she would get out of bed late and have to rush and blame everyone and everything including traffic and journey into work. Then she would think how much she hated her job all day, for comfort during the day at her lunch break, perhaps nip out and spend money she didn’t have, and do the same all the way home. When she arrived home from a hard day’s work she would drink a glass of wine, maybe 3 or 4 and smoke a few cigarettes. Too tired to cook she would have a microwave meal, then eat half a bar of chocolate to make herself feel better then would pop a sleeping pill to get a good night’s sleep and start all over again the next morning.
Do you know anyone who does this? How to you think they feel?
More importantly, these energy patterns also have an impact upon the events in your life. A lack of physical energy translates into poor health. Either you may be experiencing this currently or are heading for a health crisis in future.
During my working career I remember my life was work. Once a year I would get a serious warning sign. Year one I have my tonsils’ removed. Year two I had hepatitis A (jaundice) and lost 11kg in 3 weeks. Year 3 I broke my left ankle.
Likewise, if you have no emotional energy to spare, you relationships will at best be unsatisfying, at worst calamitous. And boy was mine and this was year 4 or 5 of our 14 year relationship, I have been divorced for four years now so it has been one hell of a journey good and bad. So I am talking from experience. Again I will go into relationships in much more detail a little later.
Losses in the mental area will affect your ability to achieve and no spiritual energy means no life fulfilment.
So as said by the inspiring author’s like Carolyn Myss (Why people don’t Heal and How They Can) Louise L. Hays (You Can Heal Your Life) Life is about managing your energy – your personal power.
The better you are at it, the happier and more successful you can become
It’s about disciplining yourself to do the things that feed you system and putting a stop to those that drain you. Continual growth, good-quality relationships, physical health and fitness maintain your personal power; and being happy, having a meaningful visions as well as faith in yourself, life and you God feel it.
These are things happy and successful people FOCUS on. That’s why they seem to have more energy. They aren’t especially gifted or even any stronger or more intelligent than you are.
They’re just better at using their will to manage their lives. When your will-power manages how you live physically, emotionally, mentally and spirituality, the truth is you can be happy and successful too. Self-discipline is like cement all retaining your energy. But like any dam wall it talks only a few serious leaks to pull the plug on the whole system.
Personal crises cause major leakages, but self discipline goes a long way to prevent them.
Now that you are aware and understand WHY it is about the HOW.
The most challenging part can be HOW and this is where every single one of us is unique and different. Remember I mentioned support earlier. Some of us are in situations where you need more than just a friend you can phone, or a book you can read........and that is where you can turn to a life coach and if you are interested to know more about how I can help you step-by-step with the HOW then follow the link: