Feel the fear and do it anyway®

Feel the fear and do it anyway®

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Choosing Change Healing

No one said change is going to be easy! 

Did you know we fear change more than we fear death itself.

But like it or not, our world is demanding that we change and now our survival is dependent upon it.  Our old habits apply to structures that are crumbling and if we continue stubbornly to resist change, we'll collapse along with them.  Think about it.  Many people STILL in the 2011 work nine to five.  One wonders why.  We lose energy hustling traffic to reach our crowded offices, forgetting technology has made them obsolete.  We waste time talking about hours we work and the stress we endure as if they're virtues but fail to see the value of this work ethic died a long time ago.

Then our aspirations keep our weekends filled with bustling malls as we frantically pursue bigger and better goods to fortify how WE FEEL.  Even more ridiculous, we use up our remaining energy complaining because life isn't as it was.  It's so absurd!  We'd rather lose power than choose change.  Instead of wasting our life-force clinging to old habits, perhaps we'd be better off shifting our perspective.  Technology has also made information accessible.  It supports our continual growth.  Now at the push of a button anyone can explore knowledge from all corners of the globe.  We can get information about motor mechanics or meditation, take university degrees or observe Mars without ever leaving home.  By removing the mundane, it has given US THE FREEDOM TO LEARNING new skills as well as the information, time and tools to explore our emotional and spiritual possibilities.  Not to mention our health.

We're not at the mercy of its rapid pace nor are we its victims.  When we use it to fuel our system we change the relationship: we become the master and technology our slave.  Technology won't however do it for us.  To adapt, we need to CHOOSE new ways of living, things, working and being.  Be aware that just following my suggestions is not enough.  The success requires IMPLEMENTING the thinking every day.  You too can use the tools to develop more rewarding life habits.  These will help you unleash the power to cope with change and uncover your great potential for success.  

Remember right now you are as perfect as you're ever going to be.  Your were made that way.  As such you already have all the talents, gifts,and goodness of like inside of you.  However is your life isn't working perfectly, this doesn't mean you have some inherent flaw in your makeup.  It only means you haven't yet learnt to manage your unlimited power successfully.  It's the only imperfection you may have.  In the follow entries I will share personal management tools that can assist your to discover and become the person you really are.

Choosing change - business week

When it comes to choosing change, you can choose to do that in any which way suits you.    To really see and understand change you have to do it slowly and change one thing at the time to be able to measure the effect.

2.    Be patient and record, take note and be aware.
Hear of cause and effect!  What did I do to CAUSE (action) the EFFECT (result)

It also varies with you sex as woman have hormones and cycles which have are part of the CAUSE and EFFECT!

Just start to be aware of what you think, how it makes you feel, what you eat, how it makes you feel, how you spend your time, who you spend your time with and HOW IT MAKES you FEEL.  I will be sharing the whole cycle and how hormones effect woman and how that has an impact on our lives!

Many Thanks

Karen Wyness
Explore Your Journey
M: +44(0)7974105309

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