Feel the fear and do it anyway®

Feel the fear and do it anyway®

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Tea test

Karen Wyness
M: +44 (0) 7974105309
Skype: kar893

Oprah uses The Law of Attraction "The Secret"

So how does the law of attraction work?

  • We all work with one infinite power
  • The Secret is the Law of Attraction
  • Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting
  • We are like magnets - like attract like. You become AND attract what you think
  • Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy
  •  Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creationThe Secret "The Movie"


Monday, 14 November 2011

Discover The Work You Were Born To Do - Membership

Highly recommend Nick Williams as he is so inspiring.

FREE download - Discover The Work You Were Born To DO

This 9 part free e-course by Nick Williams is a distillation of many of the key ideas from his best selling book The Work We Were Born To Do and contains over an hour of video. You'll discover an entirely new vision for work, and its place in your life, learn the nine signposts of The Work We Were Born To Do and find out what it means to be an Inspired Entrepreneur.

Follow the link to download your FREE copy Discover The Work You Were Born To Do

Sunday, 13 November 2011

8 Steps to finding what you really want.

Let’s get started

What do you really want?

This is a big question.  Most people freeze at this stage. The secret to answering this big question lies deep within you.  If you ask yourself what are the things that keep coming up, that voice, that feeling, that thing that keeps nagging you?  Take a deep breath and close your eyes and see what comes up. The clue is communication.

1.         Learn to listen to yourself

I find one common thing with all my coaching clients.  They say things like, “I have been feeling like this for a while” or “I keep having these repetitive thoughts about......” my question is then, well what do you think this means? 

This is where most people get “stuck”.  Imagine for a moment that the part of you that knows the answers in separate from you.  Are you used to being heard?  Maybe you’ve been to busy paying attention to everything else in your life and not been taking notice of your feelings.  They are bubbling away under the surface, but most people tend to push that aside and say I’ll get back to you, but rarely do.